Single Review: “A La Mode” – Jazz Emu

Now this is so cool! This simmers along at the beginning, with instruments that sound about ready to explode – but the energy is held back for the vocals and it switches between rock and theatrical. I could imagine this being a treat live! The lyrics reference the high life – ala mode meaning in …

Single Review: “The Way That I Love You” – The 7:45s

First up, I want to say it’s obvious where the influences are for this band. Is that an homage to Motown with the logo? Very possibly. The intro cements this even further – the piano playing the melody is higher on the scale giving it a fun playful feel, adding an octave under. This is …

Single Review: “Never Been The Best” – Jason Lapierre x Walker

This is a great combination of jazz and acoustic soul. I’m all chilled out from listening to it and it’s setting my Sunday afternoon off perfectly. This is an acoustic led track with percussion, and I could be wrong but sounds like an acoustic bass plus keyboards. The harmonies are solid, nicely layered. What caught …

Single Review: “Get Better” – Dusty Boots

This is pretty appropriate given that we are in that dull part of the year where it’s still dark when we get up in the morning, pay day is still a decade away, and it’s the winter blues. This song is a bit of a statement to say, it’s going to get better no matter …

Single Review: “Let Us Be” – Mr Billy Fitzgerald

Big drums? Phil Collins style? Jangly guitars with that 80s sheen like Nile Rodgers David Bowie era vibes? Big voice delivering a not unpleasant vocal? Go ahead.I’m listening. This song is about standing up against people they can’t stand to see someone happy. It’s a fun listen, with a great danceable track – I feel …

Single Review: “I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing” – The New Seekers

This song came out in 1971, and I thought I’d revisit it. It was a song that was written in a time of turmoil – Vietnam War, the Cold War,, economic crisis and while World War II was long over, the message still needed to be heard. Earth  Songs were being written to illustrate that …

Single Review: “Catch The Door” – Liza Lo

This has such a tasty groove to it! You have bass, drums, percussion and guitar, giving great vibes, it had me bopping my head to it from the get go. Add to that the piano that’s playing along with Liza’s deep and rich vocals – there’s a nice touch of reverb on it at 1:08 …

Single Review: “Monsoon Breeze” – Ch’Lu

This track is a beautiful folk number with an ethereal quality to it, which makes me understand why Ch’Lu chose to label this as new age. Within the track you hear so many layers – bird song, operatic vocals, crickets. All accompanied by a classical guitar, this whisked me off to a far away place …

Single Review: “Passé” – Mediocre Cafe

I like the futuristic soul jazz vibes to this! The chords and bass line define this perfectly. I could imagine Pharrell jamming out to this, possibly even Justin Timberlake. The synths play an important part in this, providing an earworm for days! The lyrics show a dry sense of humour about this being a 2 …

Single Review: “Good To Gone” Amelia McFall

Canadian songbird Amelia McFall is back, bringing her brand of soul, jazz and blues to her new single, and it’s a stunner of a track. This is piano led, and Amelia sings this comfortably, her voice sounds so rich on this! Wow. I just felt a warmth hearing it on the first play. Her vocals …