Blog interview: Naesia

Hello Naesia, how are you?    Hiiiii! I’m great, thanks! Really excited to be able to tell you guys a little bit about me and my latest project here on Platinum Mind! Thanks for having me x   Congratulations on the release of the “Indecisive” EP, how does it feel now it’s out in the …

Single Review: “Big Dipper” – Vulfpeck

Well! Vulfpeck dropped fire again. I mean it’s Vulfpeck… what do you expect? Just to give you a bit of background, I get recommended tracks from everywhere. There are the usual sources, instagram, Spotify release radar, going through the FOTN inbox, Apple Music, the precious PRs, pluggers, record labels, other bloggers… but this one? This …

Single Review: “It Keeps You Runnin'” – Doobie Brothers

In honour of the epic news that The Doobie Brothers and Michael McDonald are putting out a new album after 40 years I thought I’d revisit this classic track from 1976. What do I like about this song? Well. EVERYTHING! The first time I ever heard it was when I watched Forrest Gump. It was …

Single Review: “Heavy Weather” – WLDLFRS

This track is bluesy, and I LOVE IT! You’ve got everything on here. They through everything at this track – is that a Jewish Harp???  Very possible. The guitar at the beginning starts off with a bit of a growl, I think I can imagine Eric Clapton giving a nod of approval and nudging John …

Single Review: “I Gøt Home” – Ben l’Oncle Soul

Oh my word. On first hearing this track I thought it was a long forgotten track from the 60s left in the archives of some studio in Memphis. The vocals are rough, and full of blues and soul, Ben l’Oncle Soul’s voice does not show his 41 years of age he sings with a power …

Single Review: “Raised Around Queens” – Eva Lazarus

This track is pure poetry from top to bottom! The beat prowls, it starts off with a guitar playing a tasty little riff but it switches up around 0:11. Eva comes in good and strong, loud and proud about her family history, from Jamaican descent to Bristol and busking with her crew. She lets you …

Single Review: “The Way That I Love You” – The 7:45s

First up, I want to say it’s obvious where the influences are for this band. Is that an homage to Motown with the logo? Very possibly. The intro cements this even further – the piano playing the melody is higher on the scale giving it a fun playful feel, adding an octave under. This is …

Single Review: “Never Been The Best” – Jason Lapierre x Walker

This is a great combination of jazz and acoustic soul. I’m all chilled out from listening to it and it’s setting my Sunday afternoon off perfectly. This is an acoustic led track with percussion, and I could be wrong but sounds like an acoustic bass plus keyboards. The harmonies are solid, nicely layered. What caught …

Single Review: “Get Better” – Dusty Boots

This is pretty appropriate given that we are in that dull part of the year where it’s still dark when we get up in the morning, pay day is still a decade away, and it’s the winter blues. This song is a bit of a statement to say, it’s going to get better no matter …

Single Review: “Let Us Be” – Mr Billy Fitzgerald

Big drums? Phil Collins style? Jangly guitars with that 80s sheen like Nile Rodgers David Bowie era vibes? Big voice delivering a not unpleasant vocal? Go ahead.I’m listening. This song is about standing up against people they can’t stand to see someone happy. It’s a fun listen, with a great danceable track – I feel …