Blog interview: Naesia

Hello Naesia, how are you?    Hiiiii! I’m great, thanks! Really excited to be able to tell you guys a little bit about me and my latest project here on Platinum Mind! Thanks for having me x   Congratulations on the release of the “Indecisive” EP, how does it feel now it’s out in the …

Single Review: “Big Dipper” – Vulfpeck

Well! Vulfpeck dropped fire again. I mean it’s Vulfpeck… what do you expect? Just to give you a bit of background, I get recommended tracks from everywhere. There are the usual sources, instagram, Spotify release radar, going through the FOTN inbox, Apple Music, the precious PRs, pluggers, record labels, other bloggers… but this one? This …

Single Review: “Lite” – Yodashe

To close the faves this week, we have a track from Yodashe, this track starts off with glitched synths then drums are added – just rim shot and kick to begin with as well as a harsh clap. The vocals come in high and strong – another song that’s bordering on the theatrical, because there …

Single Review: “Work” – Shoun Shoun

I like the way this beginnings with clashing notes, it’s very punk, but not very heavy! I think the split sections is a running theme this week, because this has a pretty solid b section at 2:39, where everything drops back to a purr, and it’s just guitar and vocals. The atmospherics on this really …

Single Review: “Last Night” – Roller Derby

Roller Derby start this track off with a synth intro that fades up. It gives you the false impression that it’s a ballad as it’s just keyboards and vocals, guitars and a drum machine up until 0:18. Then the drums, bass, and guitar come in fully turning this into a wider track with a bigger …

Single Review: “Emotional Tourist” – Penfriend

Now this track has an a great little twist, I like the fact that Penfriend is using a synth bass to give it that much of a fuzz over rock drums, the beat is steady, and gives Laura space to put in a great performance vocally on this. She switches between spoken word to really …

Single Review: “Find Your Tribe” – Lewis Daniel ft. J Phelps & Nathaniel Cross

Now this is an interesting one, very jazzy, and sophisticated. I love jazzy and sophisticated. In a listening post that sat comfortably among folk songs, hip hop and a full blown concerto this just testifies to the taste of the team and the diversity of what comes through. It makes it hard to choose your …

Single Review: “People Make Mistakes” – Happy Dust Gang

The first line says it all – “People make mistakes – that’s why pencils have erasers”. It’s spoken from the get go and that line stays with you. It certainly did with me. It lists the way that people make mistakes, and I like the way it’s done, it switches between spoken word and singing. …

Blog interview: Liza Lo

Hello Liza how are you?  Hey! I’m very well thank you! Truly hope you are too. I’m great thanks for asking! You’re a singer songwriter and multi instrumentalist from Amsterdam how did it all begin for you? I started writing songs on the piano, it was more just random blurbs of songs, like small poems …

Single Review: “Woollen Rug” – Mia Wilks

Mia Wilks is back with a new single, and this one is a stunning acoustic number in 3/4 time. Having had Mia on my radar for the last year or so, I know that she’s very capable of multiple genres. She’s very thoughtful with her lyrics, and this is a case in point.  “Don’t be …