Single Review: “Somewhere In Between” – Feds

This has such a smooth jazz feel to it.. the groove is trippy, and that’s the thing I like about it, Feds, comes in with a total buttery vocal and I like it, she’s having fun on this and I appreciate that… “Let’s take this day by day, don’t wanna say the words that I’ve …

Blog interview: Gitika Partington, 3 Bucket Jones

  Congratulations on the release of “Catch My Breath”, how does it feel?  It is lovely, as the success of finishing it is the best! I find releases a bit like Christmases as a child.  The build-up is tantalising, then the actual day can be a bit of a let-down. I am easily disappointed and …

Live Review: Wilko Johnson, Norman Watt Roy, Dylan Howe with John Otway. Words: Sammy Stein

Wilko Johnson/Norman Watt-Roy/Dylan Howe with John Otway  The Apex, Bury St Edmunds, was the setting for this, one of the first nights of an extensive tour Wilko Johnson and his band is undertaking – the return to normality after Covid tour. It was the first concert for over two years I had been where masks …

Single Review: “Waves” – Marina Florance

Marina Florance, fellow Fresh On The Net moderator and my songwriting partner of three songs is back, and this song is gorgeous. Wow..  It starts off with her accompanying herself on guitar, and singing in the lower register of her voice. There is something really calming about her vocals that I love, she just makes …