Single Review: “Heavy Weather” – WLDLFRS

This track is bluesy, and I LOVE IT! You’ve got everything on here. They through everything at this track – is that a Jewish Harp???  Very possible. The guitar at the beginning starts off with a bit of a growl, I think I can imagine Eric Clapton giving a nod of approval and nudging John …

Single Review: “Get Better” – Dusty Boots

This is pretty appropriate given that we are in that dull part of the year where it’s still dark when we get up in the morning, pay day is still a decade away, and it’s the winter blues. This song is a bit of a statement to say, it’s going to get better no matter …

Single Review: “What’s That Thud?” – Marina Florance

Marina Florance will always have a special place in my heart, as this year we achieved something that was a bucket list moment for me. BBC Radio 6 Music airplay courtesy of Mary-Anne Hobbs, and BBC Introducing Mixtape courtesy Tom Robinson.  She’s revisited the spoken word this time reading the book that she’s just published …

Single Review: “Bigger Than The Song” – Brittney Spencer

This track caught my ear because of the passion with which it’s sung, especially in the chorus. The chorus name checks Reba, Aretha, and Dolly, and you feel their influence in this because the vocals can be delicate as well as powerful and I love it! This track mixes country, with a slight sprinkle of …

Single Review: “First House On The Left” – Katherine Priddy

What I like about folk music is that as you listen you can close your eyes and see the story unfollowed as it’s sung, it’s essentially a way to pass down family and local lore through the generations – Molly Malone, Eleanor Rigby, and so many more. This song is no different. Katherine sings of …

Single Review: “Shelf-Life” Marie Keane

Let there be horns! This comes in high and fast, Marie’s new single just comes in full whack! The drummer brings out the brushes, and leads the song through with stops and starts. The organ that comes in calls to mind country blues. Marie brings that soul, singing about someone living that single life but …