Hello Dave how are you?
Hello Del, I’m good and thank you for speaking to me.
Congratulations on the release of “Another Avenue”, how does it feel?
Thanks! It’s great, there’s always that feeling of nervousness and excitement that comes with every release. I’ve been holding on to this song for a very long time, so I’m glad this it is finally out now for the folks to hear.
What’s the story behind the song?
In essence, the song is about the feeling of infatuation.
You collaborated with Riya Duggal on this and it’s nothing short of a banger what was your favourite part of the process in recording it?
We worked on this song during the second wave of the pandemic here in India in 2021. So all the work was done remotely. My producer Jason D’Souza worked out of his home studio and Riya tracked her parts from her own home studio So in terms of favourite part, that’s hard to pick, but if I had to choose one it would be when we heard the final vocal takes that Riya sent back.
What did you learn from Riya in recording it?
I’ve known Riya for close to 10 years now and I’ve always admired her work ethic as an artist. So going into this project I knew from the start that the song was in good hands with her on vocal duties. But something new I learned about her was how she was able to be very meticulous of recording herself on her own and delivering parts that were exactly what both Jason and I were looking for.
This is the first piece of music you wrote for Arrows, what was the easiest and most difficult part of the process?
Well, the bass line for the song is the first piece of music I wrote for Arrows in 2018. At the time, my blues-rock band The Tripp, for which I was the bassist had disbanded and that’s when I decided to start my collaborative project Arrows. I wrote the bass line while I was just noodling on the guitar myself and then played it on bass and thought it sounded good. However, I only completed the track with lyrics in 2021.
You are a producer from Bombay, how did it all begin for you?
Actually, I’m not a producer. I’m a guitarist, bassist and songwriter. With Arrows, I write all the songs, but I work with various producers and singers to flesh them out. The project is wholly collaborative. For me, I began loving music from an early age after my parents enrolled me in guitar classes while I was in school. Since then, I’ve played in a few bands primarily as a bassist and I haven’t looked back since. My main focus these days is Arrows.
What did you listen to growing up?
Primarily rock music. My favourite band of all time is the Foo Fighters. I also listened to a lot of the bands from the Seattle grunge music scene, Oasis, the blues, jazz, metal and more. These days I’m open to listening to all kinds of music.
Were there any producers that inspired you?
Not producers per se, but songwriters. I really find an interest in Noel Gallagher’s approach to songwriting.
You’ve collaborated with two people that you really admire what is your favourite track from their respective bodies of work?
With band The Koniac Net for which contributes guitar towards, I really like their song “Crawling.” And from Riya’s repertoire, there’s a song called “Ego” that I like from her duo Simetri with her sister.
COVID impacted the creative industry what kept you motivated?
I think just being thankful that I was safe and had my folks near me.
The last few years have been a time to reflect what did you learn about yourself?
Most definitely, I’ve learned that patience is important.
Did you pick up any new skills?
I tried my hand at video editing, and learned the basics, but I’m not very good. Maybe I’ll practice some more.
What are you listening to at the moment?
Listening to a lot of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, some Credence Clearwater Revival and music on that spectrum.
Being from Bombay what are your 3 favourite things about your city?
That my family and friends are around, the independent music scene in this city is fantastic and that there’s always something to do every day.
What’s next for you?
I’m almost done recording my debut Arrows EP which has been produced by Siddharth Basrur. This is my second time working with him, he previously produced and sang on the 2021 Arrows single “Buried to Dust.” The EP will include five songs with a different vocalist on each song. So that’s what’s next.