Album Review: “The Great Jamaican Songbook, Vol.1” – Cleveland Watkiss. Words: Sammy Stein

Multidisciplinary artist Cleveland Watkiss’s energy and drive are behind many music projects, and he has proved inspirational for upcoming talent on the music scene. He has worked with Wynton Marsalis, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The Dusseldorf Symphony Orchestra, Art Blakey, and countless others.  His new album ‘The Great Jamaican Songbook’ is released, coinciding with a …

Blog interview: The Scribes

A lot has changed since we last spoke! Congratulations on being signed with Stimulus, how does it feel?    J: Feels great! Especially coming out the back end of lock down, we’ve hit the ground running with a lot of gigs that has led to a lot of new opportunities.   S: It’s been amazing enough just …

Blog interview: iLana Armida

Hello iLana, how are you? Hi Del! I am doing pretty well. Congratulations on the release of “Summertime Love”, how does it feel? Thanks so much! It is always nerve-racking but an exciting feeling releasing new music. So far the response has been awesome so I am happy.  Describe it in three words. Joyful, smooth, …