I became a fan of Joshua Radin when one of his tracks was featured on a particularly emotional episode of Scrubs that a lot of fans really connect with… More on that later. Anyway, Joshua is back with a new single – “This One’s For”, an acoustic number, his vocals are gorgeous on this, he …
Single Review: “When I Say So” – Dolores Forever
Dolores Forever describe themselves as Fleetwood Mac without the husbands. I like that. I also like the fact that back beat is rough and ready, combining conventional pop rock rhythms with a bit of Bossa nova in there. The vocals are strong, very confident – sung in unison for the verses but when it gets …
Single Review: “My Revolution” – Red Bird Rising. Words: Sammy Stein
‘My Revolution’ is a powerful release from Red Bird Rising and features Ukrainian musicians Taras Kuznetzov and Ana Pshokina. It was written by Diedrich Donald Weiss and the story behind the release is profound and moving, demonstrating the power of music and a bit of determination. Composer Diedrich Donald Weiss wanted to do something, in response …
Single Review: “Get In” – The Great Leslie
The new one by The Great Leslie is out, and it stutters along fabulously. The vocals are strong and confident, sitting on top of a great instrumental track. The guitars and bass play the same progression together sitting right in the pocket, switching between playing straight ahead to off beat, and it’s a joy to …
Single Review: “You’re My Favourite” – Alice Offley
Alice Offley is back with a funky disco track that’s got that summer energy, as the days are getting longer and sunnier this is the tonic that we need. The guitar riff is reminiscent of 80s pop, but Alice brings the bass action making it just as funky – this being her instrument it’s no …
Single Review: “Silence Is Music” – Florie Namir & Franck Biyong
Florie Namir is back with a stunning ballad and a duet partner – Franck Niyong. Their voices are very different, Frank has a soulful touch whereas Florie’s vocals are suited to folk/jazz but they find a middle ground, and this song is a perfect vehicle for this. It’s an acoustic number, the percussion is gorgeous, …
Single Review: “Love Has Come” – SōMuch
SŌMuch are back and they’ve got an EP! This is one of the new tracks that hasn’t yet been heard. The sound is sophisticated, very polished – but what would you expect of a band mentored by Ralph Rolle of Chic? Let’s break it down. The back beat is laid back, the hats give the …
Single Review: “Mona Lisa” – Daniel Etherton
Daniel came to me as a recommendation from Neil March, Daniel sent me this track for my show and I must say… I’m impressed. This song combines two of Daniel’s passions – music and fine art, as he is an art historian by day and musician by night. The imagery in the lyrics are clear, …
Album Review: “The Synesthete” – Joe Adhemar
Joe Adhemar has released a new album. Let’s break it down shall we? “The Synesthete” available on Bandcamp Found Out This is a great track to kick off the album with, very bluesy, I like the way vocals have a slight delay to it, the main guitar riff has chromatic notes in there, and …
Single Review: “Scared” – The Alaska Trap
This song is pure genius! From top to bottom, the intro gives us chugging guitars, promising indie rock goodness and boy do they deliver… There are sections of this song that give me pure joy, the intro like I mentioned, and also the fact the drummer gets given their moment to shine from 2:12 with …