Blog interview: Kendra And The Bunnies

Hello Kendra how are you?    Hello!! I am so good! Thank you for inviting me to interview!   Congratulations on the release of “I’m A Showstopper” how does it feel?   My favorite thing to do is release music. I love the process so much from songwriting to recording and performing. I’m thrilled.    What’s …

Blog interview: Christina Chong

Congratulations on the release of “No Blame” how does it feel?  It feels quite surreal actually. I’m not sure it’s fully landed with me that it’s materialised. Less than a year ago it was just a thought in my head, and now it’s out there.  What’s the story behind the song?  The song is about …

Blog interview: Maisy Grace

Hello Maisy how are you? Can’t really complain! Congratulations on the release of “Based On A True Story”, how does it feel? Still pretty surreal, but absolutely awesome. What’s the story behind the album? Not a huge story, Kouncilhouse and I just had such a great time creating music that we decided to make loads …

Single Review: “I Do” – Jerry Barnes

This is the new single from the man who holds down the bottom end of Chic’s sound.  And it’s so good.  Fusing hard hitting four on the floor beats held together with a big reverbed clap, with a house piano, and bouncy bass lines this track is so catchy! The vocals are in the falsetto …

Single Review: “Indigo” – Brasstracks X Adelaide James

This song is proper pop. It caught my ear as I was going through the spotify recommendations and checked out the rest of the album and this is track 2. I thought they were making a mistake when recommendation as part of their jazz curation, but…. This actually works! It’s so catchy, with a singalong …