Single Review: “To The River” – Dorsten

Arizona brother and sister duo Dorsten are back and what a number! This song starts off with footsteps and claps slowly, along with finger picked guitars, then Sophie comes in with her signature powerhouse vocal.  Careful. She will knock you off your seat.  Little blonde girl with the big voice?  Of course she is.  This …

Single Review: “Sense Of Reality” – Lindsey Hinkle

This song is so simple… Just an acoustic guitar and vocals, sometimes that’s all you need. Lindsey’s voice just sits comfortably over this and it may sound a little cheesy but this is the kind of song I could just imagine someone sitting in a coffee shop and performing. You can have your stadium fillers …

Song Review: “She Moves” – Carrie Grant

Carrie Grant released her album today, and this is the third track in the running order. I have not been able to progress past this one. It’s a piano based ballad, with strings and a strong backdrop of harmonies that are hinted at but it only appears once just leaving space for Carrie to do …

Interview: Judith Owen. Words: Sammy Stein

Judith Owen is a British vocalist, pianist, and songwriter. She has had a lengthy career and received praise from fellow musicians including Annie Lennox and Jamie Cullum.   ‘Come On & Get It’ is Owen’s thirteenth album and features tracks by strong, hugely talented female jazz musicians from the 40s and 50s including Nellie Lutcher …

Single Review: “24F” – Maya Lane

This song is a thing of beauty, it’s acoustic, and has Maya’s signature vocal… She sings strongly over an acoustic guitar that has percussion underneath. For me it’s the harmonies that are doing the job, especially where they are adding more and more in the chorus – there are harmonies throughout the song, but the …

Single Review: “Hero Myth” Dekker

This track is stunning. It’s acoustic, features shakers, a kick drum and snare and ethereal background sounds. It’s gorgeous. The thing I liked about this song is the lyric content, it’s like the self doubt that you have when you are presenting one image to the world but inside you’re finding an internal battle. There …