Blog interview: KALI

How are you? I’m good thanks Del – thanks for taking the time to speak with me. Congratulations on the release of “In My Head…(Again)” how does it feel? I always find release days strange to be honest – after the long process of writing something personal to you, recording and then finally releasing into the world …

Blog interview: Alessia

Hello Alessia, how are you? I’m fantastic at this moment in time, I’m very excited for my single release! Congratulations on the release of your new single, give me three words to describe how it feels. Excitement, proud, goals. What’s the story behind it? About being in love and feeling you can do anything with …

Blog interview: The Jojo Man Band

Hello Nick how are you?: I’m extremely well thanks Del, enjoying this lockdown. My partner Yvonne lost her job last year but it means we can be together which is great!! Congratulations on making the Fresh Faves Batch 396 with “It Will Be”. How does it feel?:  It’s amazing!! I’ve been putting songs up regularly …