Blog interview: Dalmas

Hello Dalmas thankyou for agreeing to talk to us how are you? Hey Del, we are great thanks all things considered, How are you? Is lockdown treating you well? I am well thankyou for asking!  Congratulations on the release of “Jhm” how does it feel? Thankyou so much, releasing ‘Jhm’ feels like such a great …

Blog Interview: The Jobs

The Jobs, thank you for agreeing to talk to us, how are you? Hi Del, thanks for taking some time for us and asking us some questions about our band and our story. We are doing well, hanging in there, navigating the pandemic like most. We hope that you and your family are doing well …

Blog interview: Club Brothers

Club Brothers thankyou for agreeing to talk to us. How are you?  All: Very well thanks. Who’s who in the band? Adam: Rich is the main songwriter, he comes up with the tunes and me and Leigh help with harmonies and arrangement . Leigh is the overly talented one. on top of being the smooth …