Blog interview: iLana Armida

Hello iLana, how are you? Hi Del! I am doing pretty well. Congratulations on the release of “Summertime Love”, how does it feel? Thanks so much! It is always nerve-racking but an exciting feeling releasing new music. So far the response has been awesome so I am happy.  Describe it in three words. Joyful, smooth, …

Single Review: “Rebound” – Bad Money

“Rebound”, the new single from Birmingham based duo Bad Money is the follow up to their brilliant single “Ashes” which I reviewed for Fresh On The Net in July this year. I’ve been keen to keep an eye on this band as they’ve got a really lovely sound that I’ve connected with and even …

Blog interview: Afrika Green

You are a percussionist and drummer, what made you start? The drums found me aged fourteen. I didn’t have many friends at school and nothing really engaged me until I uncovered a drum kit hidden under a dust sheet picked up the mismatched sticks and started to tap about. You are currently on tour with …