Hello Maisy how are you?
Can’t really complain!
Congratulations on the release of “Based On A True Story”, how does it feel?
Still pretty surreal, but absolutely awesome.
What’s the story behind the album?
Not a huge story, Kouncilhouse and I just had such a great time creating music that we decided to make loads and share with the world.
What was the easiest and hardest part of putting it together?
The easiest part was the writing itself. Apart from a few times where I had to rush to fit the writing around my travelling, it all came pretty naturally. That tends to happen when they’re such great tunes! The hardest part was figuring out the release dates of the album and its two singles. It is tricky trying to balance the knowledge that you gotta time it right, whilst also being so excited to release that you want to do it as soon as possible.
You recorded it with Kouncilhouse, what’s your favourite memory of recording it?
I don’t think I have one in particular, it all felt like a bit of a blur! The process was altogether around a month long and it was fitted around my a-levels, a summer of pretty hard working on the beach and playing at festivals, then I did some travelling over the winter. There were a few moments where I had to write as much as humanly possible to try and get songs done before leaving again that I probably won’t forget any time soon!
It’s based on your own personal experiences, how therapeutic was it writing and recording it?
You have no idea. Music is the perfect way to get out feelings and emotions, whilst also creating something really cool. There is no experience in my life without a song written about it, and I feel like most songwriters can say the same thing!
You’re an artist from Cornwall, how did it all begin for you?
A very musical family, a pink guitar and a small stage at Rock Oyster Festival!
What did you listen to growing up?
I listened to whatever my parents were into at the time, which was always everything. There would be soul, rnb, reggae, indie, dub, dnb and a bit of Disney.
You’ve played at festivals in the last few years what’s that been like for you?
Festivals have kind of been a home to me for most of my life. My mum became involved with the festival scene around us when we moved to Cornwall, which meant I was playing my first Rock Oyster Festival when I was 9 or 10. Although the last few years have been pretty special for me as I’ve been able to play music at Boardmasters, Leopallooza, Shindig Festival which was a new one for me, and so many others. Last year I even managed to get my amazing cousins involved to form a little band which must have been quite nice for the family to watch!
Being a multi instrumentalist and producer, how does a typical writing session begin for you?
The album was a little different to normal, as Kouncilhouse started off the process by sending the instrumental first ideas for a track and I used those to write a song. However normally I will just pick up a guitar, or my bass or sit down at a piano and things will just sort of happen. Maybe chords will come first or the melody, there is no reasoning as to what goes on in my brain.
COVID impacted the creative industry in a big way what kept you motivated?
Lockdown is actually when my solo career started. Before that I was playing in a band which I loved, which meant I didn’t really think about doing things myself and when I had no choice I decided to start writing songs for myself again. It was a pretty big change, but it was really exciting being able to put myself out there and start doing things for myself. Of course it was weird that the first gigs I was playing solo in years were online virtual ones, but it was a start!
The last few years have been a time to reflect what did you learn about yourself?
I learnt that I don’t like social media one bit! I am not a fan of how big it is in today’s music scene but I know that it is pretty crucial in getting yourself out there and for your music to be heard. Hopefully I will magically become good at it soon…
Did you pick up any new skills?
I was never very big on pushing for myself and being very driven, but I like to say that is a thing I have forced myself to get better at. I can’t say I have it down as much as I would like, but I will get there I’m sure.
What are you listening to at the moment?
I have been loving the Diamond Life album by Sade, but that’s been going on for about 2 years so I don’t think I can say its a temporary obsession anymore. I am loving the first two Ben Howard albums, and some recent discoveries like Hannes and then there’s people like Little Simz who I may always be in love with. Can’t forget Based on a True Story, the new album by Maisy Grace (myself).
Being from Cornwall what are your three favourite things about it?
The beach, the people and the festivals.
What are you looking forward to doing next?
I will be moving to London in September to study music at university which I already know is going to be a blast. I have no idea what is going to happen, but I am definitely looking forward to meeting new people and having new opportunities and experiences.