Hello Rebekka Louise how are you? Hiii! I am very good!! How are you doing? I’m very well thanks for asking! Congratulations on the release of your album ‘Shame Is An Old Friend’. How does it feel? It’s so exciting. Honestly, it’s always scary releasing music since it’s so personal. But I am so grateful …
Interview: Loic J Tuckey
Congratulations on the release of “Beyond The Sun Road” how does it feel? Well, now. Thank you very much. To be perfectly honest, I’m absolutely thrilled with it. It took a long time to complete and now it’s finished it’s a huge weight off my shoulders. I can actually enjoy listening to it now without …
Single Review: “Love Love Love” – The Gulls
This is a fun acoustic number combining a bit of folk, and old fashioned rock n roll lyric wise! This track is about being in love with someone and it’s expressed in such a fun way, the chorus is catchy as hell, because they’re declaring that they’re in love love love love love. Love. My …
Single Review: “Evergreen Time” – Erica Jean
This one starts off with a warped electric piano playing a progression that sounds like it’s been passed through old tape.. great effect! Add to it finger snaps that have a ping pong delay on it.. it gives it a real blues/soul vibe! Add strings to it then you’re away. This has such a summery …
Song Review: “It’s Only You” – Mutual Blue
Mutual Blue are back with a bit of a summer banger of a song, and this has a bit of an indie rock party atmosphere to it, you could just imagine this going down a storm on the radio. For me it’s the count off at the beginning if I put my DJ head on …
Single Review: “Golden” – Llinos Emanuel
This week’s FOTN inbox was full of gems and this was one of them. Where do I start? This is the kind of song you’d put on late at night, when you’re just chilling with someone you love, that comfortable silence when you don’t need to say anything, just let the music and the lyrics …
Single Review: “Baby Blue” Dutch Criminal Record
This has such a psychedelic feel to it, especially thanks to the jangly guitars and the laid-back vocals. First this begins with a broken beat but all falls into place when the guitars, bass and synth come in. This has a poetic feel in the lyrics and this is evidenced by my favourite part of …
Blog interview: Andrew Hartshorn
Hello Andrew how are you? I’m doing great thanks and the sun is shining at last. Congratulations on the release of your EP “Sketches For The Requiem” how does it feel? Thanks, I’ve been a bit overwhelmed by some of the comments and making it on to the Fresh Faves was a pleasant surprise. It’s …
Blog interview: Flo Perlin
Hello Flo how are you? That’s a BIG question. I’m feeling excited. Congratulations on the release of “Clay”, how does it feel? Thank you very much! It feels surreal. It’s called a ‘release’ for a reason as that’s literally what it feels like. It’s a ten track project, what was the inspiration behind it? This …
Single Review: “Scream” – Ben Chango
Well! This is a fabulous piece of punk rock isn’t it? It starts off with a melodic bass line that is higher up in the register – really good bass work by the way – before settling into the song properly – joined by sticks clicking together as well as a snare, kick and tom …