Alternative,Banjo,Bass,Drums,Guitar,London,Lyricist,Music,Pop,Punk,Rock,Songwriter,Track Of The Day,UK,Vocals

Single Review: “Polka King Of The Midwest” – Vampire Slumber Party


This is by no means a polka song.

I get the feeling that this is full of Easter eggs in reference to John Candy and his acting prowess. Why? Well, first of all Polka King Of The North West activated a long dormant memory that made me think of Home Alone and how Kevin’s mum hitches a ride back home to her boy with John and his band in a truck. Then there’s a reference to planes trains and automobiles at least partially…

This is punk at its best.

This track is a pop culture nerd’s dream! High octane guitars turned all the way up to eleven, drums going nuts the vocals harmonising… big punk rock tune that’s right up my street!

Vampire Slumber Party are a band from London, and they describe themselves as pop punk with fangs.

I can work with that.

I need to watch Buffy.

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