Lizzie is back! Catchy guitar riffs, half rapped half sung lyrics with the usual fire….
Lizzie was one of my predictions for big things in 2022, and I’m glad she’s not lost any of that passion in her music since I first heard her with “Bitter Weather”.
So, what’s this? Well this song is a great slice of indie rock-pop, and knowing that she’s been doing fantastic with her live sets, this song is designed to be a crowd pleaser. From what I can understand of the lyrics this is about a dysfunctional relationship or wanting to people please and not wanting to move on as she doesn’t feel she has the backbone – hence the title “Jellyfish”. She looks at herself self deprecatingly in the lyrics and it’s quite refreshing because as humans we are not perfect, and it’s good to recognise that.
I love the instrumentation on this, big crunchy guitar in the intro, the drums are a combination of stop starts, this could lend itself to a hip hop remix just based on that alone, this song goes through transitions where it starts off upbeat and then changes towards the end where it all goes into half time, and slows down…. It’s great.
Lizzie Esau is London born, Newcastle raised within a very artistic family (artist mother, musician father) her demos have caught the ear of BBC Introducing and local radio in the North East, and shortlisted for BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge.