Another weather related track in the faves?
Is this a theme?
You never know.
This one is a Wurlitzer led track, very dreamy. It’s got a psychedelic feel to it especially with the whispery vocals. Add to that the way driven given guitars, the big drums this transports you back to the 70s! It feels very experimental and has a prog rock leaning. I love the chord choices on this especially over the whispered sections, it makes it sound so disconcerting but I like that. For one thing the drums are big sounding too which I like a lot…. My favourite part of the song comes in at 1:27 I reckon Cory Henry from Snarky Puppy might have something to say about that chord run! It’s short but effective!
When Flakebelly was last in the faves in batch 534 Poppy noted that he had a bit of a leaning towards the Beatles and Small Faces.
I agree!
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