Blog interview: Iwan Gronow

  Del: It’s been a year since we last spoke, how are you?  IG: I’m good thanks, trying to keep busy. It really has been a tough year for everyone, I hope you’re doing good Del. Del: I’m very well thankyou for asking! Congratulations on the release of the EP, how does it feel? IG: …

Blog interview: Mary HD

Single review: Love And Liberty – Mary HD “Love And Liberty” is a track from UK singer songwriter Mary HD, with a summer vibe, whisking me back to the 1990’s with a big hip hop beat, and back to the 21st century with a trap beat in the breakdown, it’s an anthem and it’s anthem …

Blog interview: James Brett

Hello James how are you? I’m good thanks, just been keeping myself busy lately by playing mic nights! So can’t complain You are a singer songwriter, how did it begin for you? Well I’ve always been into music, started playing guitar when i was about 14 but it was’t till i started at college a …

Blog Interview: Iwan Gronow

Congratulations on the release of “In The Mire”, your debut solo single. How does it feel? It feels good, I have to say the build up to it was a little nerve-racking but now it’s out I feel really good about it. I’ve been recording for years so it’s great to finally release something. You’re …