Single Review: “What’s That Thud?” – Marina Florance

Marina Florance will always have a special place in my heart, as this year we achieved something that was a bucket list moment for me. BBC Radio 6 Music airplay courtesy of Mary-Anne Hobbs, and BBC Introducing Mixtape courtesy Tom Robinson.  She’s revisited the spoken word this time reading the book that she’s just published …

Single Review: “In The Way” – Slic Vic X TravizWILDE

Slic Vic and TravizWilde have come together on a jazz soul spiced tune and it’s… beautiful. The track starts off with a drum beat with a guitar playing the four chords around which the track is built. The song has elements of 90s R&B in the harmonies, which are beautifully layered – you can almost …

Album Review: “Eleven Short Stories – The Remix Album” – The Music Of Sound

The Music Of Sound X Minimums – First Light  This has such a cinematic feel to it, and I wouldn’t expect any less from Minimums having played and reviewed their work before. This is like an overture to the album and it’s an inspired choice both in choice of remixer and the sequence in which …

Single Review: “Listen” – Project Blackbird

Project Blackbird are back with a track that’s a slick bit of production! You have Ming’s vocals switching between melody and spoken word effortlessly. Given the fact that the lyrics are in poetic form that’s probably not an accident. I like the layers to the vocals, where there’s a deeper voice emphasising on certain words …

Single Review: “Perfect Piece Of Person I’m Made For” – Daphnie

This is a great track straight off the bat, I love the way it begins with the synth sounds and then goes straight into a bit of indie pop effortlessly. This happens at around 1:09 when there’s a drum roll into the next part of the song, it works so well! The guitars on this …

Single Review: “Dorothea Tanning” – Boudicca’s Bass Service

The title intrigued me for this one – I had to look Dorothea up. She was an artist in multiple mediums whose early influences was surrealism. It’s a very interesting Wikipedia entry, she lived until the age of 101! This track is trippy and psychedelic, the vocals are husky and almost whispered, the guitars sound …

Single Review: “High Horse (Be Gone)” – Rikke

This track has an off kilter beat and that’s what caught my attention initially! The drum intro, then a funny little bass run coupled up with a muted guitar played an octave up gives you a modern jazz feel with a little bit of pop in there too. This is a slick bit of production …

Single Review: “Lose Yourself To Dance” – Daft Punk

Today is the birthday of one of my biggest musical influences Nile Rodgers. When a Chic record comes on you can’t help but smile. I could even go as far as to say to say you’re going to dance. When I need to get my day started right, “Let’s Dance” by David Bowie has to …

Single Review: “Dynasty” – Jenna Pemkowski

What struck me about this track is how quickly it changed within its 3:32 length. It starts off with a fast paced kick drum giving me the impression that it was going to be a bit of a rock track. But then it settles into a steady rhythm based around a snare, kick and high …