Alternative,Bass,Drums,Guitar,Interview,London,Lyricist,Music,Producer,Rock,Singer Songwriter,Songwriter,UK,Vocals

Blog interview: Charlie Turner

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Congratulations on the release of Mrs. Other how does it feel?

It feels nice to get it out. Compared to some other tracks I was able to get this one sorted quite quickly. I feel good about this one: it hits a sweet spot.

What’s the story behind the song?

The song’s basically about getting older, realising you’re getting older for the first time. The subject of the title is meant to reference the gazes of various people I’ve known over time.

You built it around a riff from a jam session how did it evolve into the song it is today?

Having fun with it at jams was encouraging. It was also something I was able to play easily enough when idly picking up a guitar, so when I sat down to write one day I gravitated towards an idea that came to me fluidly and decided to make something of it. I don’t really like it when I repeat things too much within a tune so sticking the other sections in came after. 

Looking back is there anything you’d have changed?

If you mean about the song and not life it general, I might make it longer. People have said they like the end so maybe the section needed a bit a fleshing out. I do like it how it is though.

You’re a musician from London how did it all begin for you? 

I moved to London after uni and moved into a studio apartment with a friend of mine. We’d go to gigs and jams together as much as we could and I met basically all of my network through watching and playing at those places. The jam scene can be quite hit-or-miss but I’ve met some great people on that circuit.

What did you listen to starting out? 

When I started playing guitar seriously the majority of what I listened to revolved around math rock, pop punk, emo, prog metal and the MySpace metalcore/post-hardcore scene in the early 2010s. For some reason I quietly convinced myself that I didn’t like that, and spent a few years listening to modern jazz, among other things, but I’ve come back to that OG stuff in a big way now.

You released your debut EP back in 2024 what’s your favourite track from it?

My favourite track is HOIME. I just think it’s the best written tune I have. Love it, really proud of it. 

What’s a fun memory from the sessions?

I record everything in my room, except for drums, which my drummer sends me stems for from his room. Most of the process ends up as a blur and so the following isn’t really a moment, but I do remember recording over the summer, maybe in 2023 when it was 40 degrees, and having to set up my laptop so that it wouldn’t blow up in the heat: touching no flat surfaces, fans blowing icy air, curtains closed. Was a bit scary. 

Your influences are very diverse, how does a writing session typically begin for you?

The flash of inspiration that’s romantically said to occur to creatives doesn’t happen. I always start with guitar and play whatever, usually something until I like something, usually something with Mario Camarena shell voicings. If I was any good at piano I’d probably try starting with that once in a while, but the approach I have I think works well for what I want.

What are you listening to at the moment?

This must be a question everyone wants asked of them. At the moment some artists are Moses Yoofee Trio, Chon (again), TOKYOPILL and The Story So Far.

What 3 things are you looking forward to next in 2025?

I’m recording an instrumental EP at the moment so I’m hoping to get that out in the next couple of months. This summer I’d love to play some more festivals, and if I could play somewhere like Love Supreme or Cross the Tracks that would be wicked. And as an aside, I have a hardcore band that’s got its first gig in February so really hoping we get a few more of those!


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