Hello Kim, how are you?
I am feeling pretty great this summer.
Congratulations on the release of “Influencers.” How does it feel?
Thankful that it is released. I had forgotten how much work it was to put together an entire album.
It’s a 12-track project, featuring collaborators from around the world. What was the story behind putting it together?
I wanted each track to sound different, to stand on its own. I also wanted to include people who have really influenced me over the years, musically and professionally.
What was the easiest and most challenging part of the progress?
I really had no idea how hard the coordination would be. Everyone on a different time zone, different language really. It was a bit more than I had anticipated.
Whats your favourite track from it?
That seems to change every day. I guess what I am most proud of is there is not one that I do not like. And, it’s also fun to watch other people try and decide their favorite track, and all have said, well, it’s very difficult. That makes me very proud.
What did you learn from this experience?
Add a bit more time to a 7-month project when you involve so many artists. They all have a lot going on with their other projects, so you have to work around their schedules as well.
You are an artist with a background in journalism. How did it all begin for you?
I guess I have always viewed myself as a storyteller – whether that is with news print or writing songs. I love a good story, I love telling a good story – I think it’s always been in my blood.
What did you listen to starting out?
My dad was such a 45 singles collector, so we would dance in the living room to Cat Stevens, Elvis, the Beatles (of course). Then, my mom would come out with her favorite Joan Baez. A pretty eclectic mix.
Your story is jaw dropping – you’ve hit the top 20 Billboard No.1 spot twice, you’ve written for the Smithsonian Institution… What’s been a real pinch me moment for you so far?
Performing for the NFL. There really is nothing that compares to that experience!
You’ve also played live in so many places what was your favourite venue?
Croatia was pretty magical. I was outside in this open air monastery. The lights for the stage flashed against these old stone walls and music ricochet around this small island off the coast of Dubrovnik. It was stunning.
Tell us a funny story from the road.
Our tour bus got stuck in the mud during Mardi Gras in New Orleans right before a gig! We had to be there in 30 min to set up, so we ended up doing an acoustic set, carrying what we could, walking to the venue. It was funny and perfect at the same time.
You are a prolific lyricist. What inspires you to write the words?
People do. My songs are about people who grace me with their stories, or my own. I write a lot of love stories, because, truth be told, I am a hopeless romantic. I got hooked into love stories after I saw Sleeping Beauty as a kid.
What is your typical writing process?
It really varies per song. Since my songs are all based on stories, it really depends on the story. Often the stories can flow out in a hour or two. But, some are complicated, and I want to make sure I tell it the right way. So, it might take me days or weeks.
COVID impacted the creative industry in a big way. What kept you motivated?
That it had to end. As a Sagittarius, keeping me locked up made me a little nutty. I HAD to believe it would end.
The last three years have been a time to reflect. What did you learn about yourself?
It’s now or never.
Did you pick up any new skills?
I hope I do every day….at least that is the goal!
What are you listening to at the moment?
Since it’s 7 AM, it’s Sweet Baby James. 😊
What are you looking forward to next?
Making movie number 3!