Phoenix Arizona,Singer Songwriter,Songwriter

Blog interview: Depollock


Congratulations on the release of “More Than Friends” how does it feel?

It feels really good just to have a song put out. It’s my first song and I just feel really grateful for the great feedback and the fact that I can bring some joy to others. I’m glad you liked it and that makes me very happy and grateful. I’m excited about my future in music. 

You’re an artist from Phoenix Arizona, how did it all begin for you?

I’ve always been a music lover, I started playing violin when I was young. I stopped when I started high school but after I graduated I felt empty and felt a calling towards something and it turned out to be music. I’ve worked so hard to get here and only wanted to release music when I thought I could be unique and bring something of value. I’ve always been creative but there is something so pure about music. I think that music is the greatest art form. 

What did you listen to growing up?

I listened to everything from Mozart to Lenny Kravitz to Adele to Chief Keef. I love all good music. The things that move me the most now are classical and psychedelic music, I like to get lost and swept up in emotion and those really do it for me. 

Your music doesn’t cover one genre, what’s your writing process?

I freestyle everything in the moment. Everything flows better that way for me and I can capture a special moment that way. And it’s just more fun. It is important for me to just have fun, it will show in the music. 

The lyrics for “More Than Friends” have a positive vibe. What was the inspiration behind it? 

I really don’t know, it just came out when I was freestyling. It’s all stream of consciousness for me and thats what makes it exciting. It’s funny because I’ll make something and then later the meaning will come to me. It’s really cool what the subconscious mind will try to tell you via music and art. 

Covid has been hard on the creative industry as a whole, what has kept you motivated?

What’s kept me motivated is just ignoring all of it. I stopped watching the news, deleted all personal social media profiles, cut out negative people and got a flip phone. Nobody knows I’m doing music and nobody knows my real name. It’s freeing and fun. I think it’s important to not have any constraints, I don’t like expectations or being told what to do and music is so great and motivational for someone like me. 

What have you learned about yourself in the last year? 

I learned that if I really focus on something I can do anything in the world I want. I learned how much I love music and how I need it to survive. I also learned how much I love the philosophy of taoism and how much it puts me at peace to just be and flow. I think it’s important to have something as a bedrock to always have and for me it’s taoism. 

What artists are getting you excited at the moment? 

Frank Ocean and Playboi Carti are great and true artists. They constantly push out something new, refreshing and unique. They always get me excited. I’ve really fallen in love with classical and psychedelic music more and more. There are so many great classical pieces.  When it comes to psychedelic music Jimi Hendrix is my favorite artist and I just think he’s on another level. I could talk all day about Jimi but to me he is one of the greatest of all time. 

You’re from Phoenix Arizona, what are your three favourite things about where you’re from? 

I love the sun, warm weather, and the mountains. All of my favorite things together, it’s a great place for me. Getting out in nature and connecting with the primal part of myself is so important. I think we can often get lost in it all but going out in nature for me is like closing all the tabs in my mind and getting a software update via nature if that makes sense. 

What are you looking forward to doing next? 

I am looking forward to releasing my first album soon and I’d like to get signed to a good label so I can be financially stable and take care of others around me. But if I can make a good living independently I’ll take that all day. I just want to help people, create, and live a good life I’m proud of, so whatever gets me there is what I’ll do. 




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