Alternative,Bass,Drums,Electronica,Guitar,Keyboards,Lyricist,Music,Nottingham,Percussion,Producer,Singer Songwriter,Songwriter,UK,Vocals

Single Review: “Emotional Tourist” – Penfriend

Now this track has an a great little twist, I like the fact that Penfriend is using a synth bass to give it that much of a fuzz over rock drums, the beat is steady, and gives Laura space to put in a great performance vocally on this. She switches between spoken word to really lovely harmonies.

It starts off with just guitar and Laura singing and switches gears at 0:27, with synth bleeps, it’s like you’re listening to different perspectives and I like that.

There are two things I wanted to say about this particular song, firstly emotional tourist is a term that’s new to me having looked it up on urban dictionary this is what it says:

“An emotional tourist is one that goes from person to person and feeds off of their experiences and emotions to fill the emptiness inside of them.”

Secondly, way before the internet we used to write to each other. I had a penpal called Sue who I’m still in touch with after all these years, we first started corresponding way back in 1989, and have weathered the varying forms of social media to still keep up with each other’s lives.

Penfriend’s name made me smile.

Penfriend is a singer/songwriter/producer based in Nottingham, and she likes to make music for people who like handwritten letters.

Do you know what?

I don’t remember the last time I received a handwritten letter.



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