Alternative,Band,Bass,Drums,Guitar,London,Lyricist,Music,Rock,Singer Songwriter,Songwriter,Track Of The Day,UK

Song Review: “It’s Only You” – Mutual Blue

Mutual Blue are back with a bit of a summer banger of a song, and this has a bit of an indie rock party atmosphere to it, you could just imagine this going down a storm on the radio. For me it’s the count off at the beginning if I put my DJ head on a second I could fade it in from another track on my show, directly, and it would fit! Smart move on the band’s part.

Lyrically the song refers to being up at 2am and watching the same thing for the 18th time on tv, and thinking about the person the song is about. There’s also reference to the fact that Ed, the songwriter has very cool taste! 

He talks about Steely Dan. 

And that’s alright.

Listen to the lyrics. You’ll get the reference!

Instrumentally there’s a bit of a swing to the arrangement led by the drums, it’s not a straight down the road groove. There’s a really cool guitar solo from 2:11, that’s punctuated with stabs.

All in all, an indie rock banger, and definitely right up my street.  

From their Spotify:

Objecting to the heavy rock and punk bands plaguing their local scene Mutual Blue are bringing the focus back to what really matters to them; beautiful songs, cutting lyricism and a refreshing sincerity, all wrapped up in chorus drenched guitars.

Mutual Blue are Aidan, Ed, Peter and Jack.

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