The first line says it all – “People make mistakes – that’s why pencils have erasers”. It’s spoken from the get go and that line stays with you. It certainly did with me. It lists the way that people make mistakes, and I like the way it’s done, it switches between spoken word and singing. There’s humour and a seriousness to the song, referencing handcuffs and tasers, and mistakes made during lockdown.
It’s a look at the world in the end, and how sometimes you just have to chalk it up to human nature it’s always going to be a thing.
At least that’s my interpretation anyway!
This is all wrapped up inside an indie rock track with a delayed guitar. I’d have said that this is a punk influence but the harmonies wash that away immediately.
Nice work!
Happy Dust Gang are a trio from London – Erin, Paul and Lauren. They are relatively new and they’re doing pretty good for themselves!