Acoustic,Bass,Guitar,Keyboards,London,Lyricist,Music,Percussion,Piano,Pop,Pop music,Producer,Review,Singer Songwriter,Songwriter,Track Of The Day,UK,Vocals

Single Review: “Broken Homes” – Hannah Scott

Another electric piano laden track! I’m blessed. While the chords and melody are very pretty this hides within it the pain of families breaking up:

My father’s scars were etched upon his skin,
By his parents’ fighting and the state it left him in,
They had little choice,
But the world has spun around,
So I stand and I raise my voice and I speak these words aloud.

I want to break down what I interpret these words to mean –
Could it be a reference to the very real self harm as a result of families breaking up and dealing with the trauma?
The world spins on – time passing and possibly affecting another generation?

This to me is hinted in the lyrics because homes is plural.

In any case this song has touched me and I’ve awarded it my track of the week.

On visiting Hannah Scott’s website the first line in her bio is “Your music has moved me to tears.”

That’s not surprising.

She’s a South Londoner like me (SOUTH LONDON CREW!), and she’s been crushing it by all accounts live, she’s got kudos from The Guardian for one thing, Dermot O’Leary, and Clash Magazine.

What a singer. What a voice. What a story.

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