Singer Songwriter

Blog interview: Jarod Lawley Hello Jarod how are you? Thanks for having me feature on Platinum Mind. I’m very well in rainy south London You describe your sound as nostalgia haunt. What does that mean to you? I describe my sound that way because I’ve always felt a longing for a different time, and a nostalgia for eras …

Piano,Singer Songwriter

Blog interview: Giubey

Photo credit: @vcaterinaphotography   Hello Giubey how are you? Hello Derek, I am doing well thank you. Thank you for having me on your blog, it is such a pleasure. What have you been working on in the last year? Of course I have been working on new music, but specially I have been …


Blog Interview: James Boscarini

📷 Andrew Green Hello Bosco. How are you? I am absolutely fine thankyou, it’s been nice looking through older photos and reminiscing a bit. What made you take up an interest in photography? Oddly, photography was never the plan. I studied graphic design at college followed by art history at uni. Graphic design was my …


Jessi #WheresMyTent

Hi Jessi thanks for agreeing to talk to us! How are you? I’m great thanks! New year, lots of adventures planned… Really looking forward to it! You have been known to attend festivals pretty much every summer. What was your first? My first was the classic British teenager foray into festivalling; I went to Reading …