Hello Leland how are you? Doing great! How are you? I am very well thankyou very much for asking… 🙂 You are in the Immediate Family, a line up consisting of some of the finest musicians ever assembled. How’s it going? It is wonderful. To look around the stage and see guys I have been …
What made you want to start playing drums? I started playing drums because of my brother. He was the drummer. To my amazement, a drum set showed up in my brother Howie and my bedroom. The room was already small enough but there it was. My mother was a very strict woman. I know …
Hi Ivan how are you? Very good and busy as usual! Congratulations on your single release how does it feel? It’s just another brick in the wall… but it’s always a great feeling. I went for a double “single release” this year (“The tallest man”/”I don’t care about religion”) as I felt it would be …